
hod v'yesod b'netzach, for my mishpocha who are counting with me… Thank you so much for supporting my work!

The Omer is counted every nightfall starting the 2nd night of Passover until the night before Shavuot (marking when we received the Torah). This yearly cycle of counting lasts 49 days and every nightfall has its own opportunity for reflection. Each of the 7 weeks has its own focus and each of the 7 days within each week has its own focus within that focus. During Sefirat Ha'Omer, we are invited on a mystical journey, a journey that spirals us deeper and deeper into discovering what exists within our psyches and souls…

text reads:

Last night began hod within netzach, and tonight begins the focus of yesod.

This combination of reflections makes me think about the endless variety in human experiences, 

and how trying to imagine other perspectives increases our capacity to help each other thrive.

When I’m hyper-fixated on my own narrow understanding of reality, 

I can’t be open to enduring much from any other points of view…

I become stunted and can only see one tiny corner of the truth.

Netzach can be translated as “victory”, but true victory is a collective one, 

and requires ongoing curiosity, listening, and learning from us all.

When our egos are creating tunnel-vision, even fighting for justice can become a
Sneaky way to feel superior through infantilizing those we claim to help, and
bullying anyone else into conforming to our narrow point of view…

What sustains our collective endurance in striving towards a mutual victory?